Saturday 30 January 2010

new phase

the only thing when ure 23,
u definatly talked about:
  1. boyfren
  2. kawen
  3. anak
  4. keja
  5. kereta
  6. makan
  7. baju
hehe.kan kan kan?
tgk membe2 pun da bley bergaya. aku jugak slebet mcm ni jugak.
dah bley wat percakapan yg agak dewasa.
tipu la kalau tak nak.
bout those thing just not YET happen to me.
myb sbb aku belum grad.


ok. the new phase of my life is:
im gonna enter oral surgery department next week!
ok.aku tak excited pun.
5 words can describe my feeling ryte now:
lame. malas . pathetic. happy. scary.

basicly department ni,
involve ngn oral n maxillofacial surgeries.
kalau ade cleft lip or palate, or
org2 yg ade abcess kat leher ke ape..
kat kepala la fokoknya~
bukan kami yg conduct operation.
kami assist saja. tulis2 wat report. amik barang.
pegang plastik waktu drainage nanah (haiya) hehe.
hecting sket2.bukak hecting. amik tensi. check blood pressure.
soal jawab case. jage barang. jaga tepon. lebey kurang la.
pastu jd kurus sb keja kena lari sana sini.
(hbis la aku !)
ini mengikut kata senior.
aku pun tak sure.
aku akan observe sniri starting next week.

how my next 3 months would be?
owh resident, please be kind to kind us.
please dunt bully us.
please let us sleep during no on-call.
please dunt scold us if we misunderstand ur instruction.
please. please. please.
owh specialist, please dunt let us be thin.
please give us easy questions .
please smile while u see us.
please forgive us if we done sumthing wrong.
please let us learn some more if we cant answer u.
please.please. please.

the way they used to describe OS,
mostly mcm scary.
aku rase macam PKN pun ada.
hahah..cukup 3 bulan.
dari kul 7 sampai kul 4.
untung2 malam kena jaga malam for emergency.
kena lari sane sini.
hehe.papa aku pun pelik
eh.korang pun ade on-call ke?

insyaAllah,aku harap sgt2 aku kuat ngn tgk, buat dan hadapi suma ni.
aku tau mesti susah nak wat hati n mental kebal gile dr segala tomahan, kutukan n penghinaan.
i guess kena pasang benteng dr skg.
kalau kena marah, kena maki,
kena pandai tapis2 supaya tak masuk dlm hati sgt.
kan best kalu muka aku cam bantal.
ley serap orang nye marah tanpa turun ke hati.
agak-agak nye la kan.
eh sempat lagi ke tukau profession?
aku sudah gilos!


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